All About Kids - Daycare - Leader in Child Education

The quality of child care has a direct impact on children’s ability to build healthy relationships, to learn and otherwise become the best they can be. We have received Tennessee’s Highest Rating for Quality Care – 3 Quality STARS and are always striving to exceed those standards.


Policies and Procedures

Attendance Policy
We plan for your child to attend every day that he/she is scheduled. Therefore, if your child is going to absent from school, please call the office by 10 am. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP DAYS FOR ABSENCES. There are NO TUITION ADJUSTMENTS DUE TO ABSENCE OR FAMILY VACATIONS.

Arriving Late: The staff plans for a full day of activities. When children arrive after the scheduled time, the day is disrupted for everyone. The staff’s attention is drawn to the latecomer’s needs to be assimilated as smoothly as possible into the groups. The result is the quality of our program is jeopardized especially in our Infant and Toddler Programs. So, for that reason; we do have a cut off period of 10:45 – 2:00 since this is the busiest time for our staff in meeting the needs of our children.

One of the most common and most difficult behaviors in group child care.
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Emergency Policies
Emergencies do happen and the probability of an emergency occurring during day care center hours is high. All About Kids’ primary responsibility is assuring the safety of children in their care. Therefore, it is imperative for us to have a comprehensive written plan and for each employee to be familiar with policies and procedures to be followed when a disaster occurs. Since it is impossible to predict all situations and reactions; this should be used as a guide but keeping in mind that the only focus should be doing what it take to protect all involved.
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Behavior Management Policy
Praise and positive reinforcement are effective methods of the behavior management of children. When children receive positive, nonviolent, and understanding interactions from adults and others, they develop good self-concepts, problem solving abilities, and self discipline. Based on this belief of how children learn and develop values, this facility will practice the following discipline and behavior management policy.
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Payment Policy
It is our desire to provide the highest quality childcare experience possible at affordable prices.
However, the cost of providing childcare necessitates the payment of fees.
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Health Policy
If you have any doubt to whether your child can participate in our daily activities, please keep him/her home.  If your child becomes ill while you are at work, we will contact you and separate them from the rest of the group.  You will need to make arrangements for someone to pick up your child within 30 minutes of the time we call.
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Snow / Inclement Weather Policy
We will make every attempt to be open; but not at the risk of our staff or your child/children. We will keep ourselves informed from the professionals so that good judgement decisions can be made and as quickly as possible. All delays, cancellations and/or closures will be announced on our Website, Facebook Page, and also with WCYB-TV 5.